Stuffed Brinjal Fry Recipe: 59 Photos
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Stuffed Brinjal Fry Recipe
Do you need to soak eggplant before frying? Nope! Some cooks believe soaking eggplant in salted water is the secret to crispy fried slices, but this recipes uses a different technique of salting each slice.
Gutti Vankaya is a curried dish of stuffed eggplants from Andhra and Telangana cuisines. Small young brinjals are stuffed with a spicy ground peanut masala and simmered with onions, tomatoes, spices and curry leaves.
Older recipes call for salting eggplant to draw out the bitter juices, but today's eggplants are less bitter (unless very large), so salting is largely unnecessary. It will, however, help the spongy flesh absorb less oil and crisp up like a dream.
grapeseed oil. Heat 1/4 inch of grapeseed oil in a nonstick skillet over medium until hot enough for frying. The ideal temperature for frying eggplant is about 365-375 degrees F. The best way to monitor the temperature is to use a deep fry or candy thermometer; or, you can drop a small piece of bread into the oil.
eggplant. Brinjal (Solanum melongena), also known as eggplant or aubergine, is an easily cultivated plant belonging to the family Solanaceae. Its fruit is high in nutrition and commonly consumed as a vegetable.