» Indian Recipes » LONG SQUASH CURRY recipe

LONG SQUASH CURRY recipe: 59 Photos

Bengali Long Squash Curry


Bottle Gourd is known by many different names – calabash, opo squash, long melon etc. It also grows in many different shapes across the world. Also known as Lauki in Hindi, it is a vegetable used widely in Indian Cuisine. In the regional Indian languages it is known as sorakaya, ghiya, dudhi etc.
What does the Opo Squash taste like? The flavor is pretty mild and similar to, you guessed it, zucchini. It's used in many Asian dishes and added to soups, stews, added to bread when grated and of course, everyone's favorite stir-fry.
Peel off the skin with a knife or a peeler. Slice the squash in half lengthways and remove any mature seeds. You can then cut it into slices to roast, steam, use in stir-fries, or cubes to add to soups and stews.
Long squash (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.) is a dicotyledon species and a member of the cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae). It is also known as birdhouse gourd, bottle gourd, calabash gourd, hard-shelled gourd, dolphin gourd, long melon, opo squash, trumpet gourd, and white-flower gourd (Lim 2012).
Lauki squash comes under many different names, such as doodhi, bottle gourd, long squash and many others.