» Indian Recipes » Cluster Beans Recipe

Cluster Beans Recipe: 59 Photos

Cluster Beans Recipe (Goruchikkudu Recipe)


Cluster beans are a rich source of dietary fibre. Dietary fibres are highly beneficial for digestive health. Therefore, consuming cluster beans might be helpful to increase bowel movements, provide relief from constipation, and help in removing toxins from the body.
These beans are related to green beans, but they are smaller and flatter than green beans. Cluster beans, unlike green beans, have a slightly bitter taste that can be tamed by adding grated coconut, tamarind, or jaggery when cooking. Guar gum is made from dried cluster bean seeds that have been ground up.
The guar (from Hindi: ग्वार : gvār) or cluster bean, with the botanical name Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, is an annual legume and the source of guar gum. It is also known as gavar, gawar, or guvar bean.
Atmospheric humidity encourages the infestation of many diseases like bacterial leaf blight, root rot etc. The Cluster bean is grown in medium to light textured soil having a pH of 7.0 to 8.5. Water logged conditions affects the crop growth. Heavy loam soils are not suitable for cultivation of cluster bean.
For individuals managing diabetes or seeking to regulate blood sugar levels, incorporating cluster beans into their diet may prove beneficial. These beans have a low glycemic index, meaning they cause a gradual rise in blood sugar levels, which can help prevent spikes and crashes.

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