» Best Dishes » Vegetable Bean Soup Recipe

Vegetable Bean Soup Recipe: 59 Photos

Three-Bean Vegetable Soup


Soup beans are not soup, but these slowly simmered beans are soupy, bathed in a rich, creamy, nutritious pot likker (or pot liquor) that's inseparable from the beans themselves, sometimes literally.
The first is to caramelize the vegetables, either in your soup pot or in the oven, to sweeten them and condense their juices. Next, add plenty of aromatics to the pot — herbs, spices, garlic, onions and the like — and let everything simmer for a long time to blend the flavors.
Add Flour Or Cornstarch. You can thicken soup by adding flour, cornstarch, or another starchy substitute. For the best results, never add flour or cornstarch directly to your soup. If you do, it will clump up on top. Instead, ladle a small amount of broth into a separate bowl and let it cool.
Beans' magical duo of protein and fiber has multiple benefits, including weight control. Getting more of these nutrients in your diet promotes satiety and helps keep you fuller for longer periods, says Yanni Papanikolaou, M.P.H., a nutrition researcher and president of Nutritional Strategies, Inc.
What happens if I eat beans every day? Beans are abundant in essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, potassium, and folate. Enjoying beans daily will strengthen your nutrient intake—allowing you to embrace better health and well-being!

Vegetable-Bean Soup - Martha Stewart

This hearty soup is perfect for lunch or a light supper. Get the recipe:...

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