Valathandu Kootu- Banana Stem Kootu Recipe: 59 Photos
Manjula natrajan mams vazhaithandu kootu( Banana stem photos
For General Use. 5 Grams of Banana Stem / Vazhaithandu Powder can be mixed with water and then boil for few minutes. After water gets warm filter and drink it.
What is the best way to consume banana stems? You can consume banana stems as a juice, salad, or cooked vegetable to enjoy its nutritional benefits.
Health benefits. Banana stem is a rich source of fibre and helps in weight loss. Its high fibre content creates a feeling of satiation and hence, reduces the intake of food. It also helps ease constipation. Banana stem is rich in potassium and vitamin B6 just like the fruit.
Banana stem or pseudo stem - Vazhathandu. Nutrition in 100 gms. 15 cal , 1gm protein, 2 gms carb and fibre with Vit b6 , C and micronutrients.
We can consume 25g to 40g of banana stem each day to help weight loss, according to the guideline. You can use it if you have its juice if you have nephrolithiasis. Potassium and magnesium in it can help you prevent stones in your body.