» Best Dishes » Tomato Apple Drink recipe

Tomato Apple Drink recipe: 60 Photos

Mix tomato with apple! Fat burning drink recipe at home that works in 5 days!! fat melting drink!

Mix tomato with apple! Fat burning drink recipe at home that works in 5 days!! fat melting drink! #fatburningdrink...

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Yes for heart and weight loss.. The fiber from apple not only soothes the digestive tract, but helps maintain blood cholesterol levels too. Lycopene from tomatoes works as an antioxidant to protect the heart and other organs of the body. The vitamin C boosts immunity and build our line of defence against diseases.
Together they stimulate the immune system by increasing the strength and are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties. The tomato apple juice wins due to the smart combination of ingredients, which give an out-of-the-world flavour and a good nutrient boost as well.
Tomato juice is rich in vitamins and nutrients such as potassium, necessary for heart functioning. Tomato juice is free of cholesterol and contains vitamin B-3 may be effective and safe for reducing cholesterol levels in the body.
Apple Yellow Tomato is a recent AAS winner with sunny yellow fruits resembling miniature apples that outshone all the other tomato trials this season, it was one of the most challenging summers to grow in, cool and rainy, the worst tomato year we have encountered here at Pinetree.
Yes, tomato juice can be had every day. One cup of tomato juice is healthy and covers most of your vitamin needs for the day.