Tips for eating Healthy Food outside: recipe: 59 Photos
How to Stop Eating Junk Food: 9 photo images
Heart Healthy Dine Out Tips | Singapore photos
Thumbs Up: Grilled chicken, chicken fajita pitas, turkey sandwiches, baked chips, or frozen yogurt. Thumbs Down: Jumbo burgers, fried fish sandwiches, fried chicken, tacos, French fries, potato chips, milk shakes, cheese, mayonnaise, bacon.
Healthy restaurant menu choices
- Look for options with more vegetables, such as salads, stir fries, sandwiches, wraps or soups.
- Try lean protein choices such as turkey chili, chicken kebobs, bean burritos, pea soup, quinoa or lentil salad, steamed edamame (soybeans), grilled tofu, or fish.
- Sushi.
Start with these tips:
- Decode the menu. Look for choices that are baked, broiled, grilled, poached, steamed, boiled, or roasted to limit extra saturated fat and salt. ...
- Start your meal with veggies. ...
- Split your dish. ...
- Look for fruits and veggies. ...
- Plan ahead and compare choices. ...
- Choose your sauce.
Pack the protein. Chicken and fish pouches are convenient and easy to carry, as are meat sticks and jerky, such as beef, turkey or pork. Watch the sodium, though, which can be high in cured and packaged meats. Nuts are another great source of protein and healthy fats.
Eating out can often include high-calorie, processed, and fatty fast food or restaurant meals. Excessive consumption of such nutrients can cause chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes.