» Best Dishes » Sweet Tinda Pickle Recipe

Sweet Tinda Pickle Recipe: 60 Photos

Instant Goan Tendli Pickle | Spicy & Sweet Ivy Gourd Pickle

The wholesome joys packed into a jar of Goan pickles are simply marvelous :) While the traditional route to making the Goan...

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Sugar in pickling is used to balance the tartness of the vinegar. Although the sugar can be eliminated from pickle recipes, the pickles are likely to be too sour. Note: Under no circumstances should the amount of vinegar be decreased or diluted to compensate for less sugar.
Made by salting and fermenting limes with chiles and spices, lime pickle is fiery, tangy, and crazy-flavorful.
Directions. Mix 2 gallons water and pickling lime together in a large bowl; add cucumbers and soak, stirring often, for 24 hours. Drain and thoroughly rinse cucumbers under cold water. Fill a large bowl with ice water and soak cucumbers for 3 hours; drain.
Avoid using waxed supermarket produce. Select the most uniform, unspoiled produce. Scrub food well. Be sure to remove and discard ¼–inch slice from the blossom end of fresh cucumbers.
granulated. Normal, granulated (raw) sugar is absolutely fine – you can use caster (superfine) sugar as well (it dissolves quicker) but by all means, regular white sugar that you'll find in any kitchen in a sugar bowl is sufficient.