» Best Dishes » Peanut Pakoda Recipe

Peanut Pakoda Recipe: 59 Photos

Crispy Masala peanuts recipe | Peanut pakoda - Raks Kitchen


Health benefits. Peanut pakoda is high in mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids and also makes a good choice for people with diabetes.
Peanuts are a good source of protein, healthy fats and contain essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, zinc and folate. Eating masala peanuts can help prevent anemia, boost immunity, improve heart health, and reduce inflammation.
Is Pakora Healthy? While deep-fried foods like pakora are typically thought of as unhealthy, they are actually more healthy than they are unhealthy. The deep-frying process is what makes them unhealthy, as it causes the food to lose a lot of nutrients through excessive heating.
The recommended limit for how many peanuts you should eat per day is around 42 grams. This is about 16 peanuts. Eating peanuts in moderation is important as they are high in fat and contain a lot of calories. They are healthy food but should not be eaten in excess.
The recommended limit for how many peanuts you should eat per day is around 42 grams. This is about 16 peanuts. Eating peanuts in moderation is important as they are high in fat and contain a lot of calories. They are healthy food but should not be eaten in excess.

मूंगफली के पकोड़े / Peanut Pakoda Recipe /Masala Peanuts / Peanut Namakeen/How To Make Peanut Pakoda

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