» Best Dishes » Masala Tove Recipe

Masala Tove Recipe: 59 Photos

Indian Tofu Butter Masala Recipe


I would highly recommend soaking the lentils overnight to help make them quicker to cook and digest afterwards. This Moong dal needs little more than a bowl of steaming hot Basmati rice and some crispy papad to go with it. A complete comfort meal if there ever was one needed.
Moong dal is one of the most favored lentils in the traditional Indian cuisine, which is based on the age old Ayurveda principles. According to Ayurveda, moong lentils are believed to be Tridoshic, meaning they are capable of balancing any disturbances in the body (vata, pitta and kapha).
Yellow moong dal refers to moong beans that have been skinned and split, so that they're flat, yellow, and quick-cooking. They're relatively easy to digest. They can be made into moong bean paste by de-hulling, cooking, and pulverizing the beans to the consistency of a dry paste.
Some more serious side effects include dizziness, diarrhoea , and nausea as well. Beans can cause body sensitivity and for many people moong beans can also lead to breathlessness , and itching on the skin, Too much dietary fibre in moong dal can also cause stomach problems and poor absorption of nutrients.
Though Green gram can be cooked without soaking, it is best to soak them for at least 3 to 4 hours prior to cooking to avoid tummy problems. The fiber-rich skin on this whole lentils is harder to digest if cooked without soaking, especially when you cook in a pot.