» Best Dishes » Mango and Mixed Fruit Cake recipe

Mango and Mixed Fruit Cake recipe: 59 Photos

Mango and Mixed Fruit Cake Recipe by Salma Siddiq Salma - Cookpad


Mango and Other Fruits. Sweets that pair perfectly with mango are coconut, cream, peach, pineapple, and banana. If you're looking to spice things up, you can also use mango in conjunction with lemon, lime, onion, and avocado.
Christmas cakes are also commonly made with pudding while a fruit cake uses butter, however there are Christmas cake recipes that do contain butter. The traditional Scottish Christmas cake, also known as the Whisky Dundee, is very popular.
I know many people are averse to marzipan (for reasons completely unfathomable to me!), but fruit cakes should always have a layer of marzipan between the cake and the icing.
Most recipes call for dried fruit to be soaked overnight. I take a speedy approach: just microwave the dried fruit with juice and/or brandy, then stand for 1 hour to soak up the liquid. So much faster – and just as effective! Other than that, there's nothing unusual about how this fruit cake is made.