» Best Dishes » METHI CHAMAN recipe

METHI CHAMAN recipe: 60 Photos

రెస్టౌరంట్స్ కి ధీటుగా నిలిచే బెస్ట్ మేథీ చమన్ | Methi Chaman Curry For Rice, Chapati & Roti

Hello Foodies!! Welcome to Vismai Food!! Today were presenting a restaurant-style cuisine Methi Chaman curry. This recipe has...

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The State Plate | ☘️ Kashmiri Methi Chaman is a traditional Kashmiri dish made with fenugreek leaves (methi) and paneer (chaman). Here's a simple recipe:...
Methi chaman recipe with step by step pics. Methi chaman is a delicious gravy based dish from the Kashmiri pandit cuisine. Methi is fenugreek leaves and chaman is paneer in Kashmiri language.
fenugreek. What is Methi? Methi (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant known for its seeds, fresh leaves, and dried leaves. It is called fenugreek in English.
How To Grow Methi At Home
  1. Preparation Comes First. Pick a sunny spot with partial shade to grow your fenugreek plant. ...
  2. Let's Get Growing. Pick a container or a spot where you want to grow your greens. ...
  3. Container Growing. Fenugreek can be easily grown in pots, containers or even grow bags. ...
  4. Helps With Diabetes:
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