Gongura And Red Chilli Chutney Recipe: 60 Photos
Gongura Chuney WIth green Chillies | Gongura photo images
Gongura Pachadi | Andhra Style Gongura Pickle
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Andhra Special Gongura Pachadi | Gongura Recipes | Sorrel Leaves Chutney | Andhra Pachadi
మీరు నన్ను అడిగినటువంటి పర్ఫెక్ట్ గోంగూర పచ్చడి Perfect Ingredients Gongura Pachadi Telugu
venkatesh bhat makes gongura chutney and gongura rice
Gongura pachadi || గోంగూర రోటి పచ్చడి || Gongura Chutney Recipe In Telugu || Village cooking
Gongura Pachadi (Gongura Pickle) illustrations
Red Sorrel leaves. Red Sorrel leaves are called as gongura or puntikurain telugu, pulicha keerai in Tamil, punde pale in Kannada and ambaadi in Marati, Pitwaa in Hindi. These leaves taste sour can help in alleviating symptoms of cold, cough and fever too.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(Ec28ZoTmDdOhwPAPh6K-SA__76,
With a rich source of Vitamin C, it helps to boost immunity and regulate appetite. A spoonful of gongura pickle as a side dish every day will make you gain all these nutrients.
Gongura/ Roselle leaves is an excellent source of folate & Vit-B6. It is also rich in Iron, Vit-C, anti-oxidants & so good for the Liver, improves digestion, increases immunity & also lowers bad cholesterol.
These leaves are used in south-central Indian cuisine to impart a tart flavour. Gongura comes in two varieties, green stemmed leaf and red stemmed. The red stemmed variety is sourer than the green stemmed variety. Gongura is a rich source of iron, vitamins, folic acid and anti-oxidants essential for human nutrition.
Gongura is known for its digestive properties and is often used in traditional Indian medicine for digestive issues such as acidity, constipation, and indigestion.