Fool Medemmas -- Fava Beans Recipe: 60 Photos
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Fava beans are also used in agriculture to ward off pests from other crops - a few of them just have to be hidden underground to save the neighboring plants. The beans enrich the soil with nitrogen, which is why they are the basis of natural fertilizers such as green manure.
1. Soak the beans to loosen the outer layer. Fill a pot with 10 cups of water for every pound of beans, and leave them to soak overnight to loosen their protective outer layers. You can also do a quick soak, in which you boil the beans for three minutes, and allow them to sit in the hot water for one hour.
“My favorite way to cook fava beans is by boiling them until they are tender and then frying them in pork fat.” Trust me, says chef Nate Appleman about this unorthodox recipe. He quickly grills whole fava beans, tosses them with a crushed red pepper dressing, and serves them hot.
But the difference is quite simple. 'Broad bean' is the name given to the varieties of Vicia Faba plant that produce larger, flatter beans. These beans are picked and eaten fresh in the late spring. The smaller fava beans, meanwhile, are left to fully mature and dry on the plant - before being harvested in the autumn.
Delicious, nutritious and good for the soil, fava beans are a variety of broad bean, Vicia faba, left to ripen and dry before harvest. They're also known as field beans, horse beans, Windsor beans or ful. Britain's original bean, fava beans have been grown and eaten here since the Iron Age.