» Best Dishes » Celery Egg Poriyal Recipe

Celery Egg Poriyal Recipe: 60 Photos

Celery Recipe/Celery Stir Fry Recipe/Celery Poriyal in Tamil

Celery Recipe/Celery Stir Fry Recipe/Celery Poriyal in Tamil/How to make Delicious Celery/Sri Lankan Style Celery Fry...

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  • Eating celery in the morning on an empty stomach is a dietary choice that some individuals believe offers health benefits. ...
  • Hydration:
  • Digestive Health:
  • Alkalizing Properties:
  • Low-Calorie and Nutrient-Rich:
  • Antioxidant Content:
  • Potential Weight Management:
  • Important Considerations:
Celery salt is good on buttered corn-on-the cob, green beans, in soups, in yogurt, sprinkled over eggs. It's great on things like macaroni salad, or egg salad, this shaved fennel salad, or this buttermilk farro salad.
For example, celery's high water and fiber content could mean eating excessive amounts can cause gas, bloating, and digestive upset. Aim for eating three to five servings of vegetables like celery a day. 5 Eating even more servings of vegetables, both cooked and raw, is better.
For most people celery makes a favourable addition to a varied, balanced diet and promotes health in a number of ways. Ideally, enjoy the vegetable in its whole form either cooked in a stir-fry or soup or raw in a salad with the occasional juice.
The primary ingredient is table salt and the flavouring agent is ground seeds from celery or its relative lovage. It is also sometimes produced using dried celery or seed oleoresin.