» Best Dishes » COCONUT TOFFEE recipe

COCONUT TOFFEE recipe: 59 Photos

Coconut Toffee Recipe


In a heavy bottomed 3-quart saucepan over medium heat, mix the sugar and the water over medium heat. Cook until the mixture reaches the soft ball consistency, or a temperature of 235 degrees F on a candy thermometer. Stir in the coconut, cardamom and add food coloring, if using.
The difference between toffee and caramel is that caramel is made with white granulated sugar and cooked to 340 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas toffee is made with butter and brown sugar and cooked to 295 - 309 degrees Fahrenheit.
Introduction: Kiri Tofee / Milk Toffee. The direct translation of Kiri Toffe is Milk Tofee. This tofee is very tasty and super easy to make. Store bought Kiri Toffee can be kept out for 3 months.
Chewy coconut candies are made with just milk, sugar, coconut and vanilla.
Toffee didn't appear in dictionaries until after 1825, making it something of a newcomer to the world of candy. Most food historians agree that the sweet treat likely originated in Wales and then rose to prominence across Britain and Europe where supplies of butter and eventually imported sugar were plentiful.