Brinjal Curry Recipe: 59 Photos
📋 RECIPE: South Indian Eggplant Curry
gutti vankaya curry recipe | stuffed brinjal photographs
The major ingredients of Brinjal curry recipe are Brinjal, garlic cloves, onion, tamarind water, Thai green curry paste (if you want to make a Thai version),garam masala powder, oil, water, and salt.
Brinjal might have beneficial effects against different types of cancer such as lung cancer and gastric (related to the gut) cancer. The dietary fibre present in brinjal might promote the digestion of food. It may also eliminate the toxic wastes from the body that eventually helps with cancer of the stomach or colon.
Some brinjals are like that esp when they r not fresh. It happens sometimes. Try to add roasted peanut or sesame seeds powder ... Some brinjals are bitter.
Back in the 1700s, the Europeans observed these white varieties of brinjals which resembled eggs of goose/chicken. Thus, they started calling brinjal with the name 'eggplant'. Eventually this name became popular in the English language and became a synonym of brinjal.
Whether you may be familiar with the differences between curries from various countries, such as Indian versus Japanese curry, and perhaps even know how to make them at home, there's a special flavor enhancer that you may not have thought to add: honey.