» Best Dishes » Bhuna Kukda Recipe

Bhuna Kukda Recipe: 59 Photos

Bhuna Kukda Recipe: How to Make Bhuna Kukda Recipe | Homemade Bhuna Kukda  Recipe


The term 'bhunna' is Urdu for 'fried'. The dish typically consists of a base of onions, garlic, ginger and spices being fried together to form a thick coating sauce.
The name describes the cooking technique of first frying the onions, garlic and spices in hot oil to form a dark, brown paste. The meat is then added and cooked in the spice paste and its own juices which results in an intensely-flavoured thick sauce coating the tender meat.
Look for terms like bharta (roasted and mashed), jalfrezi (stir-fried with vegetables), or bhuna (slow-cooked with spices). These methods typically involve less oil and can be healthier choices. Even Miri Mary's Dutch-inspired “bitterballen” are slow-cooked, which is a lot healthier.
The name bhuna again refers to the style in which the curry meat is cooked. In Urdu, bhunna means to be fried. The dish, which originates from Bengal, is typically prepared by frying lots of spices at a high temperature. The meat is then added, and simmers away in its own juices.
The name bhuna again refers to the style in which the curry meat is cooked. In Urdu, bhunna means to be fried. The dish, which originates from Bengal, is typically prepared by frying lots of spices at a high temperature. The meat is then added, and simmers away in its own juices.